Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Diner at Yellowtail inside the Bellagio

Friday was my daughters 21st birthday. We all went to Vegas to celebrate her big day. ( By all I mean.. my in laws, my two sisters, my niece, my husband, and my other two girls,) I think we all had a pretty good time. Not everyone got to do everything they wanted, but we only had three days and a very limited bank account
Megan wanted to go to the Rum Bar at the Mirage and eat at Japanase, also at the Mirage. My husband, however, had differant ideas so we did what he wanted. It was that or be in Vegas with him whining about how he didn't get anything he wanted. Sorry, was it his birthday? I don't think so!!!!!!
Since I invited my family we payed for most of it. My older sister bought us two rounds at Bond and gave me $39.99 towards a diner at the Hard Rock. My younger sister bought beer at the Styx concert and bought drinks when we went out at midnight for Megan's birthday. So, really we didn't pay for everything.
Here's the thing.....I want to let everyone know about our dinning experience at Yellowtail, a sushi restaurant inside the Bellagio. As we were being seated we were told that we would have to give up our table in two hours. That ruined the entire evening. I and everyone else kept checking the time and feeling rushed. It was expensive and not worth the money. I have eaten out at all kinds of places with all kinds of price ranges. Never before have I been given a time limit on my diner! Unbelievable!! I might have understood if they had been busy, but the place was dead. The sushi portions were very small and really not that great. The waiter was slow and didn't get the order right. That was probably a good thing considering how much the bill was!
The one thing we did like was the sake. It was a blueberry infused sparkling sake called Star Rabbit. Yum! I've looked on line  but it's just not available. I guess it comes from a micro brewery in Japan. We won't go back and I'll do my best to keep others from making the same mistake.
Have a goodnight,

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Why shouldn't I run for president? My ideas are better!

Whats bugging you most? Jobs right? Me too! I think I can start to bring to factories and jobs back to the USA.
1.) Ask American companies to come home! After they're home the government cuts their taxes in half! This allows them to hire more people who will pay their taxes. Already the government is winning. How? You may ask. Well. with more hard working Americans with jobs that means more money coming into Uncle Sam;s pockets. When the people don't work America doesn't get paid. This causes a domino affect. All socialized government agencies get hit' and that causes the unemployed to fall further behind in their debt and that directly effects the governments paycheck.
2.) The American public needs to realize that for the good of their family's , friends. and country we need to buy American. Sure it may cost more, but, getting the country strong and back to work is worth a bit more in order to keep this country free from a Chinese bank take over..
3.)We need to stop paying everyone's way. No longer can we allow those from foreign countries to come here and get free medical. They're call indigent. That's a person who goes to the emergency room for treatment without insurance or a way to pay. In Mexico a friend jumped into a shallow pool. He broke his back and was having a hard time breathing. Before the ambulance would take him to the hospital he had to give the ambulance driver $1,000. Then when he got to the hospital he had to pre- pay for any treatment he might need to  recieve.
 4) Stop funding Acorn and all of the other questionable government agincies..
Well I took my Ambien about an hour ago. So, now I can bearlythink let a lone right
I'll try to make my case tommarro
Margaret Mitchell


Friday, July 29, 2011

proceeded to cut my lip on the chabata bread

Nothing much to talk about right now. today was uneventful. I went to the pharmacy to get Steve all his pills. The bill was $97.00 with the insurance. He gets pills for blood pressure, gout, cholesterol, allergies, Ambien, and heart burn. He's a bit of a hypochondriac and the doctor gives him meds to make him feel better... Okay his blood pressure is 140/65, and his cholesterol is border line. Everyone has allergies and most people can take over the counter anti acids. His dad has a problem from reflux so Steve asked for the heart burn meds. I guess I should be nicer but last year when I was so sick and couldn't breath because of the pneumonia, I told him to take me to the hospital. He said I was over acting and that he needed to go because he had diarrhea. I guess I showed him.
Let me talk about last year.......The year started with me making a resolution to cook all the dinners and never ask to girls to fetch me anything. That went swimmingly for about 4 1/2 moths. Then It was our 20th wedding anniversary, my 50th birthday, Shannon's 14th birthday, and Riahs was coming up quick as lightening. So we got a penthouse suite at the Mirage Hotel. Lovely room. I didn't know the suite was so big so I got an extra room for my sisters. It was great. As soon as we got into the room I walked into the master bedroom and quickly kicked  the giant TV with my pinky toe. Breaking it really badly. It turned all sorts of colors immediately! So, then I was hopping and swearing around the room. I quickly got a hold of myself and put my shoes on so that I would be able to before the swelling got to bad. That night we went to get dinner at BLT Burger. Yum deep fried pickles.
The next day we had rented a cabana for the whole day at the pool. Bruce Willis had also rented a cabana, but we were kept separate because he didn't want to be bothered by all of the peons like us! Lynda, my wonderful Sister order lunch at the cabana. Wow, I felt like something special! Lunch came and we all had some kinds of tasty sandwiches. I pick up my sandwich and  . My lip gushed blood. It was hilarious and a bit embarrassing. So now, I have a broken toe that has turned black at this point, and a bloody lip that won't stop. I looked as if I'd been in a prize fight. After eating and applying pressure on my lip for about a half hour the bleeding stopped.
That night we went to see Terri Fader. That was a funny shoe. After the show we ate dinner a B B King's. We almost did eat there because they have cover charge. I don't like paying them. Any way I said never mind and we started to leave so they waived to cover charge.
The next day we walked all over. Steve wanted to check out a place to shoot guns, it wasn't there. So, we went back to the MGM grand to shop and watch the lions. After a bit we ate dinner at a nice Mexican restaurant there. The inside was really red. Than we went to see Ka.
After Ka, we went back to the Mirage and smoked cigars at the Rum Bar. That was a lot of fun. Lynda and I would have stayed longer but Steve became suddenly anhedonic so, we went back to our rooms for the night.
The next day was the last day so, we decided to walk to the Bellagio Mall. That was fun, Only at this time my toe was black all the way around my foot to my ankle. It hurt like fire every time I made a step. I tried to keep up with everyone because, I don't want to be the wet blanket. That night we go to the room and get ready for dinner. Steve wanted to eat at this place off strip. It was called Lindo Michiacan. He called the restaurant for a shuttle van. The van was 45 minutes late and we were all set to go the the Outback ac across the street. So, here comes the van and Steve REALLY REALLY wanted to go. So, I go to get in the shuttle and just know I can't climb that high to get into that van. I do my best I pull and climb my way in. As soon as I get in my shoe catches on something and I go down right into the drivers seat. The kids and Lynda start laughing their heads off. I on th eother hnd start crying. I told them i think I dislocated my right shoulder. No pity for me when it's Steve's dinner time. So, I cryed through dinner. Lynda went out in a scary part of town to buy me a sling. She got asked for "a date" twice in five minutes. Scary. And by the way She in NO WAY LOOKS LIKE a hooker.
Than we go back to the hotel. Steve pays for a doctor to come to the room. Again I look as if I've been knocked about pretty good. He told Steve to take me to the hospital but, Steve felt since we were leaving in the morning I'd be okay for the 5 hour drive.
Finally we made it to Whittier Hospital. Only to find out I needed to go to Whittier Presbyterian. So the sent an ambulance for me. They drove with lights and siren on. The next day I had surgery to relocate my shoulder.
Now it' June, 2010. I'm at a Ralph grocery store and my foot gets caught on one of their chip baskets. They keep them in a nitch under the counters. Down I go dislocating my shoulder again. Again to the emergency room and again I have surgery. Two months later I had shoulder surgery and a pin implanted And my muscles tied up to keep it in socket because it was going to pop out all the time from there on.
Except for the pain and healing I did fine from there.
Then in November I got pneumonia. I was in the hospital on Thanksgiving and thew the firs week of December.
All of this happened because Steve was wishing for getting hurt so that he wouldn't have to work!  When that didn't work he wished to get sick,,,,,,,,,So THANK YOU STEVE!
Good night,

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Three little kits

Okay, our little female rabbit, Heidi, had  three kits today. I think it's two girls and one boy. I believe that because two seem to be calico and one is solid black. Of course the black one could be female as well . We'll have to wait and see. It's amazing how fast they grow. I know it's not that thrilling for you to hear about it but, I think it's neat.
What else happened today... let me think.
I'm out of Ambien, that's a bummer. I will get a refill tomorrow. So, tonight I'll probably lay awake until about 6:00. That will cause me to sleep until noon. Not a very productive way to spend the day I'm afraid.
I guess that's all.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

US Budget: :(

I know I said I'd write every day but, I was on vacation. I love Carlsbad California. Everyone is nice, the ocean is always special, and it has a nice small village feel. Still, it's nice to be home.
I guess I'm really worried about the US budget, or lack of one. I worry about things getting so bad that most everyone will  get laid off in one big ripple effect kind of thing. You know if it were your budget you would trim and balance until you were able to pay your bills. In fact you would always try to live within your limits. Because you don't have China to bail you out. What happens does China get our banks, maybe our media or our souls? Should we all learn to speak Chinese? I understand it's a difficult language to learn.
Instead of blaming the Dems or the Reps. I think I'll blame the Pres. The buck does stop at his desk. He is the head of the country. Kind of like the head of a household. He needs to get his ass down to the capitol and sit in on the budget meetings with everyone. Also, stop saying bipartisan if no one means it. Everyone wants their way and no one wants to let anyone else have a say in the policy.
I agree with Obama that a temporary budget is out of the question. We need a sound permanent one.... NOW! We also need to cut some programs back. Maybe we can't take care of everyone's medical. Maybe it should be citizens and legal immigrants only. Other countries aren't even that nice to non citizens. Maybe we need to raise the age of social security to seventy years old. I know were all living longer, so it just stands to reason. I think we need to cut the school weeks back to Monday through Thursday. Add a Half hour in the morning and a half hour in the afternoon. The kids would still get 28 hours a week. Right now they are getting 28 hours in a week five days a week. ( Mondays are half day due to teacher meetings.) By doing this the class would be dark one day a week and maybe we could save money on office personal. Teachers could combine classes and take turns at meetings if they need. Also legalize the growing and selling of marijuana. I am not in favor of drug use, but it is used by millions any way. If it were made legal the Government could tax and regulate it.The extra money would help the government"s budget.
I know my plans maybe to far to the right or the left not sure what side I'm on. Oh, wait, I'm on America's side. We can still be a great country and the land of dreams we just need to get our leaders to pull their heads out of their asses!
I almost forgot the best way of saving money..... Bring our soldiers home! We can't afford to be a police force for a country that doesn't want us there. It costs too much in money and in young lives! End this action now! If we stay we should bill them like any company would. The US is a company and needs to be run that way!
Later, Marg

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Zombie Movies

Last night I watched Sean of The Dead" with my oldest daughter. We both thought it was pretty good. Scary yet funny. So, Tonight we thought what the heck, let's watch "Dawn Of The Dead ". Not as good. We didn't really "bond" with any characters and the violence was mostly done just for the gore effect. So, now I've seen three zombie moves. The first was "Zombie Land". Also better than "D.O.T.'D."
That's all.

Monday, July 11, 2011

It's 4:17 AM and I'm still awake.

It's 4:17 AM, and I'm still awake. I'm always awake at this time... Well, 6 out of 10 times I'm awake at this hour. Tonight (this morning really) I'm awake because my girls and I watched "Sean Of The Dead." It's an English Zombie movie. The movie wasn't scary really just kind of startling. It was also funny as heck. The problem is.... I let my youngest daughter Riah watch the movie. As you may or may not know, she is prone to night mares. So, now I'm sitting watching "Over The Hedge" with her, and trying to get her calmed down enough to go to bed by herself. Or maybe the truth is, I'm afraid of the dark and the movie spooked me a bit as well.
Lucy, Our Brussels Griffon made a mad dash past my foot out into the court yard just before dark. Crazy little dog. Faster than a speeding bullet she was chasing our rabbits. The little girl rabbit just evaded sure death by hiding deep inside Shannon's potato plants. Lucy kept looking for her and running away from me every time I got close enough to touch her! Finally I had my husband watch her as I went to get a few Milk Bones. So now I'm chasing her around calling, " Lucy, I have a milk Bone."  But no way was Lucy that stupid... She found the white rabbit hiding on the slope. That poor bunny jumped about 3 feet into the air and took off. He eventually made his way under the fence into the back yard. Lucy started digging at hyper speed. So, I'm still trying to give her the stupid Milk Bone. My  husband grabbed the hose and squirted her! At first she just ignored it. All her focus was on the job at hand.....Killing the rabbit! Finally she had enough of the water and started playing with the other dogs. At that time I opened the Family room door and she and the other dogs came in. Lucy finally took the Milk Bone!
I'm sorry if it seems I'm a bit out of practice. I haven't written a blog in over a year. I am going to try to write every day excluding weekends unless something extraordinary happens.
Later, Marg